Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 1/18/24

Year: 2023



The aim of Bilim Armonisi (Science Harmony) is to introduce young people who are in high school level, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate level to the scientific community and scientific mission, and to prepare a scientific publication environment based on universal science and ethical rules in which they can express their ideas and share their studies.

Bilim Armonisi (Science Harmony), It covers all fields of Science and Art.

Journal of Science Harmony [BİL-AR]

Principles of Writing: 

1. The publication and writing language of the journal is Turkish. Only abstract and keywords will be in English. When writing text, 12-point Times New Roman (tables, tables, figure subtitles may change, but not less than 9 points).

2. Article; Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Findings, Conclusion and Discussion. Additional articles and titles may also be included in an article. 

3. There is no limit on the number of words for the above sections. 

4. Abstract and Abstract should not be cited. 

5. Numbered bold titles should be used within the article, and the subheadings should go down to the third level. Please see the example below.


              1.1. Related Studies                                

                               1.1.1. Studies in the world

                               1.1.2. Studies in our country

                1.2. Social impacts

                               1.2.1. The effects of the issue on young people                               

                               1.2.2. The effects of the subject on adults      

6. For all visual data such as pictures, drawings and maps to be used in the articles, only the abbreviation (Figure) should be used and the numbering of the figures should be continued. Therefore, different expressions and abbreviations such as plates, pictures, drawings, shapes, photographs and maps should not be used. 

7. A minimum of 100 - a maximum of 400 words should be used in the abstract of the article. 8. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 keywords should be used


*Natural Science

** Educational Sciences, Social Science

In-text references are made in two different ways:


Güven (2018) stated that teachers' classroom interaction is related to the use of correct body language and effective speech.

Example -2: 

* The teacher's use of correct body language and effective speaking skills in the classroom is highly effective on the student taking role model (Güven 2018).

** The use of correct body language and effective speaking skills by the teacher in the classroom is highly effective on the student taking role model (Güven 2018, 28).

Single Author Books

In the transfer of single-authored books, in-text citations of natural sciences, educational sciences, social science are made as follows. 

* (Confidence 2019) (In the text)

In natural sciences, the number of pages is not included in the text and the year is taken. Educational sciences are shown in in-text citations (author year, number of pages) of verbal and humanities

** (Confidence 2019, 85) (In the text)

Bibliographies of books with single authors in both fields are written as follows.

 Güven, Ö. (2019). Effective Speaking: Marine Publications. Antalya Turkey. 

With Two Authors Books

*Yüksek and Üstüner (2017) (In the text)

**Yüksek and Üstüner (2017, 11) (In the text)

Yüksek, A., Üstüner H. (2017). Art in Science: Üçok Publications. Antalya-Turkey. 

Books With Three or More Authors

* Kaya et al (2003) 

** Kaya et al (2003, 25-29)

Kaya, G., Işık, Z., Derin, A., Toygan, S. (2003). Sacred Insects of Anatolia: Ant Publishing. Istanbul-Turkey. 

Chapter in Edited Book

If the edited book is to be specified in the bibliography, the editor name (s) are written in the author section and shown as (Ed.). Üstüner, H. Yavuz, M. (Ed.). (2018). Flora, Fauna and Lichens of Beydağları Coast National Park: Özge Offset. Antalya Turkey.

If a section in an edited book is to be cited, first the author's year of the chapter, the title of the chapter in quotes, then the name of the editor and the book, the publisher, the place of publication.

Öz, M., Aslan, A., Yavuz, M., Tunç, M.R. (2018). "Fauna". Üstüner, H., Yavuz, M. (Ed.). Flora, Fauna and Lichens of the Beydağları Coast National Park (pp. 45-56): Özge Offset. Antalya, Turkey, 45-56.

The same rule applies to edited and translated books.

Thesis (Doctorate - Master)

*Okur 2017 (In the text)

**Okur 2017, 56 (In the text)

Okur, A. A. (2017). “An essay thesis ”. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Akdeniz University. Antalya, Turkey, 112.

 Articles single author

*Okur 2017 (In the text)

**Okur 2017, 180-185 (In the text)

Okur, M. (2017). “Culture transfer through sheet music ”. Science Harmony, 1 (1): 1-5.

Articles with two or more authors

*Okur and Yazar 2017 (In the text)

**Okur and Yazar 2017, 161 (In the text)

Okur, A. A., Yazar, M.V. (2017). “Nice article 2”. Science Harmony, 1 (2): 6-15.

Articles with three or more authors

*Okur et al 2017 In the text)

**Okur et al 2017, 265 (In the text)

Okur, A. A., Yazar, M.V., Çizer, F. (2017). Nice article 3”. Science Harmony, 1 (1): 9-17.

Congress and Symposium Presentations and Publications

*Okur et al 2017 (In the text))

**Okur et al 2017, 305 (In the text))

Okur, A. A., Yazar, M.V., Çizer, F. (2017). “Nice presentation”. Science Harmony Congress-I, Abstract Booklet, 5-10.

Citing Multiple Publications by an Author in the Same Year

*Güven 2019a (In the text)

*Güven 2019b (In the text)

**Güven  2019a, 27 (In the text)

**Güven  2019b, 27 (In the text)

Güven, Ö. (2019a). Oratory: Deniz Publications. Antalya-Turkey.

Güven, Ö. (2019b). Healthy communication and body language: Deniz Publications. Antalya-Turkey.

News-Article in Printed Daily Newspaper

*Çizer 2000 (In the text)

**Çizer 2000, 18-19 (In the text)

Çizer, S. (2000). “Cultural identity and ancient sciences”. X Newspaper Science-Technical Supplement (346) 18-19.

Unwritten Newspaper Article

Name of the newspaper, July 1, 2016 (In the text)

“News name”. Name of the newspaper, July 1, 2016.

Electronic Resources

*/** Okur 2010 (In the text)

Okur, Y. (2010). “2010 activities ”. Science Harmony. Access address: Last accessed: 21.04.2019.

Web Site 

Antalya MEM (2010) Hayır Severler 

Access address: Last accessed: 01.06.2019.


(Antalya MEM 2010)

The publishing processes applied in Bilim Harmonisi provide the basis for the development and dissemination of information in an impartial and respectable manner. The processes applied in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions supporting the authors. Refereed studies are the studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with standards for ethical principles.All stakeholders within the scope of Bilim Harmonisi publication ethics are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been prepared as open access, taking into account guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a necessary building block for the development of a harmonious and respected information network. This is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and their supporting institutions.

Refereed articles support and shape scientific methods.

It is therefore important for all parties, authors, journal editors, referees and publishers involved in publishing to agree on the standards of expected ethical conduct:

1. Authorship
• Bibliography list should be complete

• Plagiarism and false data should not be included.

• No attempt should be made to publish the same research in more than one journal, and it should comply with the ethics of scientific research and publication.

Actions contrary to the ethics of science research and publication are:

a) Plagiarism: To present the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, forms or works of others as part of their work without making any reference to their owners in accordance with scientific rules,

b) Counterfeiting: To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or modify the presented or published work based on unrealistic data, to report or publish them, to make it as if a research has not been conducted,

c) Distortion: To falsify the research records and the data obtained, to show the methods, devices and materials not used in the research as used, not to evaluate the data that are not in accordance with the research hypothesis, to play with the data and / or results in order to fit the relevant theories or assumptions, to investigate the results of the research in line with the interests of the persons and organizations supported.

d) Republishing: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in the evaluation of associate professorship examinations and academic promotions,

e) Slicing: To present the results of a research as separate works in the evaluation of associate professorship examinations and academic promotions by disrupting the integrity of the research, disaggregating it inappropriately and making numerous publications without referring to each other,

f) Unfair authorship: To include people who do not have active contributions to the authors, not to include those who have active contributions to the authors, to change the ranking of the authors in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, to remove the names of the active contributors during publication or in subsequent editions, and to influence their influence even though they do not have active contributions. using the name of the authors,

g) Other types of ethical violations: In the publications of the studies carried out with the support, the persons, institutions or organizations that support them and their contributions in the research, not to obey the ethical rules in human and animal researches, to respect the rights of patients in their publications, and to review them as referees. to share the information contained in the work with others before publication, to use the resources, spaces, facilities and equipment provided or reserved for scientific research in an unintentional manner, to accuse completely unwarranted, irrelevant and deliberate violation of ethics (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8).

2. Responsibilities of the Author
• All authors should contribute significantly to the research.
• All data in the article are required to be authentic and authentic.

• All authors have to ensure withdrawal and correction of errors.

3. Responsibilities of arbitration
• Assessments should be impartial.
• Referees should not be in conflict of interest with research, authors and / or research funders.
• Referees should specify the published works but not cited.
• Checked articles should be kept confidential.

4. Editorial Responsibilities

• Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
• Editors should not be in conflict of interest with regard to the articles they accept or reject.
• Only articles that contribute to the field should be accepted.
• Support the publication or withdrawal of the correction when errors are found.
• The referees must keep their names confidential and prevent plagiarism.

The arbitration process is at the heart of the success of scientific publishing. The protection and refinement of the arbitration process is part of our commitment, and Science Harmony is obliged to assist the scientific community in any case of publishing ethics, especially in case of suspicious, repetitive publications or in cases of plagiarism.
The reader may complain in case of a significant error or mistake in an article published in Bilim Harmonisi or by sending an e-mail to where he has any complaints about plagiarism (plagiarism, recurring articles, etc.). Complaints will provide an opportunity for us to improve, so we welcome complaints and aim to return quickly and constructively.

Placing Plagiarism
The articles sent to Science Harmony for publication are subject to double-blind evaluation by two referees. In addition, through a special program used in plagiarism detection, it is confirmed that the articles have not been published before and do not contain plagiarism.

There is no fee for article submission and publication.